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What can and can’t cats safely drink?

by Higooga Team 28 Dec 2021

What Can And Can't Cats Safely Drink? | Higooga Blog

With the endless options on beverages we can consume, from refreshing iced teas to coffees to fruit juices of all flavors, it begs the question, are our cats the same? Can they go from H20 to Dairy to Caffeine without any complications? Should they even consume multiple types of fluids as part of a healthy diet? Or is it simply something non-essential that our furry friends might enjoy. More so, we hope to clear things up on which drinkables our furry friends can consume and which drinks you should keep far away from them. All in the name of healthy pet living, which is something we are totally about here.

Water: Can

For most, it's no shocker that water is on this list. It's something that almost all living organisms need to survive, including our feline friends. Regular slurps of H20 do wonders for cats. It keeps them well hydrated, keeps their body temperature in check, and lubricates and cushion joints to help them run, jump, twist, and turn all over the place with more ease and freedom. And if you are wondering what water is appropriate for your cats to drink, just remember, if it's something you can drink safely without any tummy rumbles, it's probably safe for your cats to intake. But to be extra safe, try and give your cats spring or filtered tap water whenever possible. Water is actually the only drink our furry friends need to consume to stay healthy.

Bone Broth: Can

So you've got water already on your cat's diet. Kudos for being such a champion cat parent. But what else is there to spice things up besides water? Well, since cats are naturally carnivores at heart, bone broth is always welcome on their menu and serves us a tasty drink up that complements a dry food diet. It's filled with a rich source of micronutrients traced with helping joint strength, digestion, liver health, and promoting a healthier, more lush-looking coat for your furry friends. And for our felines who are not so crazy about getting their regular intake of H20, bone broth can be another source of hydration that at least gives a yummier experience for our furry friends.

Milk: Can and Can’t

Like most things in life, it's complicated. Milk for cats is not a simple yes or no answer, and here is why. For various stages of a cat's life, like their precious kittenhood days, milk, specifically from their mother, is something they longingly need to have all the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop. As our precious stars grow out of their kittenhood stage, milk becomes less and less of something you want to include in their diet. This is because most cats are lactose intolerant, so milk rich in lactose doesn't usually sit right with their tummy. There are however some kinds of milk that your cats can drink, and these are goat, soy, and almond milk. But be it as it may, it's vital to limit this to small intakes. 

Sugary Drinks and Juices: Can’t

Sometimes more sugar and sweetness isn't always a great thing, especially when it comes to our cat's diet. And although it might be a little tempting when your cat gives you that irresistibly adorable glance, enticing you to give them some harmless sips of your delicious juice or thirst-quenching soda, it's best to keep all sorts of sugary drinks clear from cats. While sneaking a sip of your juice isn't something to get all worked up about, it can be a problem if it becomes a habit. Most of that sweetness can't adequately be processed by our stars, meaning that it quickly turns to fat, and if not kept in check, it can lead to obesity and other health complications for our felines.

Caffeinated Drinks: Can’t

For some of us, caffeine-infused drinks like coffee are the kicks that get us going on a slow and off day or even become a need that keeps us functioning on a day-to-day basis. But when it comes to our furry friends, their relationship with caffeine never ends well. Like sugary drinks and juices, caffeinated drinks are a big no-no for our stars. Cats are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than us, so excessive sips can do more harm than good and lead to health complications, which is something we never want to see for our furry friends. To keep them healthy, keep these drinks somewhere far from reach from cats.

Alcoholic Drinks: Can’t

You'll probably have less of a problem keeping your furry friends away from your whiskeys, beers, spirits, and others alike because it's pretty unlikely that your cats will actively seek out to drink strongly-smelling alcohol. But with some of our furry friends being naturally cheeky and curious at times, such situations aren't unheard of. It can be as simple as leaving your jack and coke or cold beer out in the open where your cats can reach. And so, it's crucial to keep all alcoholic drinks nonexistent, at least with your cats, to avoid the toxic effects they bring when ingested by our furry friends.


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💡 This article is intended to provide information and inspiration regarding pet care. However, it should not be construed as professional veterinary advice. If you have further queries about your pet's health, require medical advice, or if your pet exhibits signs of illness, it is strongly recommended to arrange a comprehensive consultation and check-up with a licensed veterinarian.

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