What Your Cat Is Trying To Tell You: A Guide To Interpreting the Feline Language

Ever been left puzzled trying to gather even a scrap of what your cat is trying to communicate to you at one point in time. We feel you, and so we want to help you understand your furry friends a little better by helping you solve the puzzle of cat talk. You see, behind all those meows, purrs, chirps, and yowls, lies a message that your precious star is trying to communicate with you. The comforting news is that, once you begin understanding what these different sounds are and what they mean, you'll be able to know when your cat is looking for a warm cuddle on a rainy day or wants a re-fill of your yummy treats in their empty food bowl.
Just a reminder, all our furry friends are different in their unique ways, and so some of these may be a little different for your precious star. Some cats are slightly on the shy side and so it might be less common to hear them make a pip. Others are the biggest talkers you've ever encountered and will loudly keep you notified on any update in their lives. Not to worry, because by understanding this guide, you can still have a pretty good basis in interpreting your cat's language. So without too much chit, chat, let's get into it. Ready? Let's go!!
It's the sound we still are in awe of and causes us to melt every time we hear our furry friends do it. Meowing serves several purposes, but in most cases, your cat may "meow" as a greeting, a command, an objection, or an announcement. A shortened "meow" to more of a "mew" could be an indication that your cat is feeling a bit lonely and craving some affection or is hungry and asking "mew?" as in "when is the next meal coming?"
Chattering, chittering, and twittering
Just as you're excited to get that latest mobile gadget, so is your precious star when window watching little birds and critters moving by outside or when snack time is just around the corner. This sound usually signals excitement often triggered by their predatory instincts, although not always. Your cat is probably itching to get out there for a good old hunt and so he/she can be a bit heartbroken by not being able to catch the prize. Don't be surprised to hear a meow shortly after this for you to open the door.
After reading all our cat care tips and securing some of our cat well-being products, your cat might give out a little purr. This is a sign of contentment and a signal of joy or happiness, so you can pat yourself on the back for treating your cat right. Some other things you can also do to get your furry friends purring are; normalizing regular cuddle sessions, giving her yummy rewards after doing a good job, or singing them a gentle lullaby while petting them. Just some added tips which couldn't hurt to share.
Growling, Hissing, and Spitting
Look, I don't know what you may or may not have done to make your cat make these sounds. Maybe you did something just rubbed them the wrong way, or your other pets were getting on her/her nerves. Whatever it was, stay away!! This usually indicates that your cat is angry, agitated, and in an aggressive state. If you get any closer, your furry friends may be ready to throw down, and so it's probably best to leave them alone and live to fight another day. Just trying to save you from some kitty scratches.
Yowling, Howling
And no, you're cat isn't trying to become a wolf. This extended and distressing meow sound is more often a signal that your furry friend is in distress, worry, or discomfort. You might hear this sound when your cat is feeling unwell or is in some kind of pain, such as stubbing her paw under the bed. We all know that feeling. Yowling can also be associated with cat-to-cat communication, often regarding territory. It could be a signal to warn that new cat on the block to stay clear from coming around.
Chirps, Trills
Ever watched Animal Planet and seen the mother cheetah making that heart-meltingly cute sound for her cubs to follow her or come over to snack on lunch. Just me? Okay. Well, this could be a sign that your champ wants you to follow her/him or is trying to catch your attention to something important. Most probably to show you their empty food bowl. Chirps and trills can also be common cat-to-cat language that you may hear if you have more than one cat so also keep that in mind.
There you go! You are now a certified expert cat vocal interpreter. Well, not quite, but at least you have all the essential cat sounds that should help you understand your cat better and attend to their needs accordingly. You should be able to instantly recognize when your champs are having a bad day and want you to give them the space they need or are not too thrilled about a new furry friend addition to your home. And with all that, I hope you found some use in it and learned to solve the puzzle of cat talk or connect a couple of vital pieces. That's it for now. Fellow cat lover, over and out!!