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Simple Cat Training For Beginners

by Higooga Team 25 Mar 2022

Simple Cat Training For Beginners | Higooga BlogWere you recently given or brought a new cat into your home? How fun! There's nothing better than little meows from a fluffy cat or the soft purr of a new cat friend. We're sure you're taking in all the love you can handle. Besides, if you are a new cat owner, you may wonder how to best care for your pet.

Cats are smart animals that can be taught how to do certain things. If you work with them correctly, you can teach them a lot. When you train your cat, they will become more social and less anxious, and they will also be happier. A "how to train a cat" guide with a few tips is here.

The Basic Commands

What are you going to teach your cat?

Before doing anything else, think about what you want your cat to take away from this experience? Do you want to fix your cat's bad habits (such as clawing the furniture) or teach it some new skills such as following commands? How you go about introducing a new behavior will be determined by the strategy used. Once you've selected what you're going to work on, you and your pet can begin moving ahead together. In cat training, some frequent goals include:

Simple Cat Training For Beginners | Higooga Blog

The use of the litter box

The first step is to locate the litterbox. It should be easily accessible. It should also be close by. The most essential thing is to keep the litter box clean.

After placing the litter box, you may begin teaching your cat. Putting the cat in the litter box after eating helps it pee. Gently scrape the sand until they do. Repeat this. Your cat will quickly learn to use the litter box. If the cat pees somewhere other than the litter box, pick up a tissue that has the scent of their urine on it and put it inside the litter box so that the cat knows it's the appropriate location.

Praise and encourage your cat when they finish. But don't reprimand it for accidents outside the litter box because you could make them anxious or terrified.

No scratching, biting, or jumping on the furniture.

You need to know when and why your cat bites. Does it bite you when you don't treat it with respect? Or during playtime, your cat starts to bite and scratch you, you should stop the play right away. Stand or sit still, and don't do anything with your pet. You should try not to shout or hit them because it may get angry, become aloof, or lost respect at you when you're doing so.

If your cat is scratching on your furniture, it may be because they require some scratching themselves. Keep its claws in shape by providing them with a scratching post. Distract your cat with a startling, unusual sound anytime you see him engaging in undesirable behavior. There won't be a panic, but they'll know about it. Make an effort to utilize the same sound each time you create a new sound effect.

With this, declawing a cat may sound like a simple thing to do, like having your nails cut. But we do not suggests doing so for the process removes the bones at the end of a cat's toes, which can cause long-term problems for your pet. Having the ends of your cat's toes cut off means that they have to walk on the soft cartilage that used to be part of their joints. This makes it more difficult for them to walk. Their paw stubs are also known to be chewed on. They may also be in pain all the time. 

Simple Cat Training For Beginners | Higooga Blog

Following commands like "Come in, sit down, stay, high five, roll, over, and leap."

When you call your cat, show them a bag of their favorite treats. When they come to you, you should reward them. Soon, they will be able to link their name to the tasty reward. You can stop giving them treats when they're ready and start giving them praise and head scratches instead.

When using hand gestures and the verbal command "sit," you may teach your cat to sit. Hold your palm vertically in a stop sign in front of your cat and say "sit" in a calm and steady voice. As soon as your cat settles down, give them a treat to show your appreciation.

It's easier than you think to teach your cat to high five. Encourage its paw motions but reward them every time they lift their paw. When they attempt to take the reward with their paw, wrap it in your fist. Reward them when they do. Gradually raise your hand higher. Reward them every time they paw your hand. When training them, give the vocal order "hive five" or "shake a paw." So give your kitty a high five every time you extend your hand and speak the magic phrase!

Tips for success

Keep quick cat training sessions

Lessons must be adjusted to your cat's mood and interest. Cats have shorter attention spans than other animals and like to do things their way. To teach your pet, you must do so when and for as long as they are interested. The most successful training sessions are short, frequent, and natural. Three things to remember is being calm, patient, and persistent: Even if your cat is slow, don't give up! They are strong-willed and independent, so you will need to be patient with them as they need to be trained.

Focus on one activity at a time

Even though cats can learn many things at once, it is preferable to teach cats one thing at a time. Before going on to the next objective, be sure your cat has mastered the first one.

Simple Cat Training For Beginners | Higooga Blog

Cat training that works - Positive Reinforcement

Cats respond very well to a reward system that gives them things they like. Our favorite pets love to do things that make them happy. So, when your cat does something well, give her a pat, a scratch, or a treat to show her how well it did. As a bonus, you can also use the "clicker" every time you give them an award. This way, they will be able to connect the goal, the reward, and the clicker's sound. Every time they hear the clicker, they will know that they did an excellent job. 

Avoid punishing for bad behavior

Cats dislike being punished most of the time. This isn't beneficial for the pet and may cause tension or anxiety. Instead, attempt to stop your cat from doing anything wrong. When you observe them scratching the furniture, make a loud noise (like "whoah!"). The action is halted when the cat gets in the way. Avoid using phrases like "hey" or "no." This is to ensure they don't get mixed up when they hear these sounds in different places. 

Involve other people in the process

Generally, it's a good idea to engage your family and regular guests in your training. Everyone should be aware of your ultimate objective and the strategy you plan to use to achieve it. Suppose you see your cat scratching the couch. In that case, you must respond the same way as everyone else and uses the same remedy.

Simple Cat Training For Beginners | Higooga Blog

The beauty of training your cat

Working with our pets is crucial. Our cats will be better protected from potentially hazardous behaviors if we correct our cats' incorrect conduct and provide better care, teaching them to be sociable and pleasant. To top it all off, working on amusing tricks with your cat is fun. You and your cat will have a blast, and you'll develop a stronger friendship!

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💡 This article is intended to provide information and inspiration regarding pet care. However, it should not be construed as professional veterinary advice. If you have further queries about your pet's health, require medical advice, or if your pet exhibits signs of illness, it is strongly recommended to arrange a comprehensive consultation and check-up with a licensed veterinarian.

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